Over the past term, as part of my role as Group Life team leader, I’ve had the huge privilege of visiting some of the groups that run across King’s Arms Church and it has been a revelation and an encouragement in some of the most surprising ways:
The Beauty of Unseen Faithfulness
One of my first visits was to a longstanding life group who, without attention or applause, have met weekly together for years upon years. Even as I arrived at the hubbub of chats, hugs and coffee, I could feel the history of friends who have walked through life together — through sickness, bereavement, new jobs, new children, the highs and lows and the everyday mundane.
And then they prayed. And my goodness do they pray! They prayed like they really knew each others’ needs and really believed in a God willing to answer. People walking through sickness themselves led the rejoicing, thanking God for others who had been healed.
This group has a prayer record going back around a decade of all they’ve asked of God and how He has answered. Few of us will know these men and women, or think about their group, but I wonder how many of us are unknowingly benefitting from their faithful prayers over this church?
Lesson 1: We can make an impact by being faithful, even behind the scenes. Being a part of a steadfast community that faithfully engages in fervent prayer carries a lasting legacy that goes beyond our now.
The Breadth and Diversity of God’s Goodness
I visited groups of all kinds, varying in size and purpose; groups for women, for the over 65s, for toddlers and for newcomers. In each one of these groups you can trace the threads of the faithful goodness of God.
Across our groups there are different expressions of His love. It’s just as evident in the coffee and tissue offered to a struggling new mum, as in the listening ear offered to an elderly, lonely neighbour.
Lesson 2: God is as much in the fun of playing games together, tidying toys, or serving meals as He is in the moments of prayer or bible study. He is the God of our everyday and embraces diversity — and that is wonderful!
The Unexpected Face of Courage
“Courage doesn’t always roar” as Mary Anne Radmacher (writer and author) says, but it certainly is powerful and I’ve witnessed it in spades across my group visits!
One lady in particular stands out in my mind. She’d been asked to lead the prayer time at a life group and opened up by sharing, very honestly, that whilst she felt able to pray to God in her own time with Him, she found the idea of praying in front of others quite overwhelming. She was apologetic that she had written it down to read out. It was such a joy to see the rest of the group rally around her and shower her with encouragement. And then she went for it!
For others, the idea of turning up on their own to a new group full of people they didn’t know, had been terrifying. But, they would now say that they found people who love them and they feel like they found their place as a part of a family.
Several of those who now lead thriving groups had once told me they could never possibly lead; they didn’t know how to or they didn’t think anyone would sign up. However, they stepped up, took a risk and now are flourishing in their leadership gifting!
Lesson 2: There can be tremendous breakthroughs and reward on the other side of courage. Even though it can be scary to step out of our comfort zone, God is faithful to meet us and He always comes through.
Building genuine community and relationships requires authenticity and vulnerability. Sometimes it is more than a little bit scary but the fruit of it is beautiful. As we are about to start another 6-month cycle of groups, what does it look like for us to take a risk so that we can reap the benefits of courage?
Much love,
Claire John and the eFocus team